
丹佛,CO 80204


联系密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友关系团队的特定成员, 请查阅皇冠官网网站的员工名录.




杰米·赫斯特来自加利福尼亚,2013年12月开始在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学习. 以前, she worked at Upper Iowa University as the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations after working in college athletics for nearly a decade at Upper Iowa, 爱荷华州立大学和印第安纳州立大学. 杰米赢得了她的J.D. 从汉姆林大学法学院毕业.A. 在印第安纳州立大学获得体育管理学士学位.A. 加州大学宗教研究/人类发展硕士, 在圣地亚哥,她是NCAA二级垒球学生运动员. 作为战略规划助理副总裁, 杰米提供领导, vision and direction to the Alumni Relations and Annual 给 teams while also serving as the Executive Director of the 校友会. Jamie also serves as an affiliate 教师 member in the Human Performance and Sport department where she teaches 法律 Liability in Sport. 在她的业余时间, 她是一名狂热的垒球爱好者, 热爱棒球的一切, 喜欢弹吉他和木工. She and her wife live in Westminster and enjoy the Colorado outdoors with their two dogs, Rowdy and Copper.



Evann Coad |年度捐赠助理总监

埃文·科德于2022年8月加入了密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友关系和捐赠团队. 他来自印第安纳州,2013年以B级毕业于印第安纳大学.A. 公共政策. 作为副导演, he assists the executive director in the design and execution of strategic communications for alumni, 捐赠者和大学的朋友们.

Evann began his career in Advancement as a caller for the IU Foundation Telefund while a student at Indiana University. 在他的职业生涯中,他还曾在科罗拉多大学工作, 北佛罗里达大学, 并担任了受伤战士项目的营销专家. 作为第一代大学毕业生, he is passionate about university fundraising and connecting students with the financial means to complete their education.

在他空闲的时候, 他喜欢远足。, 阅读, 摆弄他的电脑, 和妻子共度时光, 他的儿子和他们的两只混血牧羊犬, 奥托和鲁比.




Jesse Drewes is a Colorado Native and joined the Roadrunner family in 2020 as a student in the Human Performance and Sport department studying Sport Management. In 2022 he joined 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 大学的发展 team as a student intern for Alumni Relations. 以实习生的身份, he focused on the efforts to successfully run the Colorado 落基山脉50/50抽奖 program in partnership with the Colorado Rockies. 2023年,他以B的成绩从密歇根州立大学丹佛分校(密歇根州立大学丹佛)毕业,开始全职工作.A. 体育管理. His current role is within the Alumni Relations Team as the Alumni Engagement Coordinator. In his new role he looks to grow the love and support for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 among all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Alumni.

As a proud 密歇根州立大学丹佛 alum and a first-generation college graduate he hopes to share his story to inspire the students behind him and show how a college degree can lead to many opportunities.

杰西喜欢和家人在一起的空闲时间, 朋友, 观看所有的体育赛事.



希瑟Holzbauer-Schweitzer |校友会董事会执行助理
303-605-7802 | (电子邮件保护)

希瑟Holzbauer-Schweitzer is originally from Minnesota and joined 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Alumni Relations and Annual 给 team in February 2022 as the Engagement Associate. She graduated from Winona State University in 2014 with a degree in Therapeutic Recreation.

Heather began her career in higher education in 2015 as the coordinator of adapted sports and events at the University of Central Oklahoma where she ran the largest multi-sport, 多残疾人运动事件在国家- UCO努力运动会. Heather left higher education to pursue her career at the Oklahoma City Veteran’s Medical Center where she provided exercise, 为退伍军人提供休闲教育和适应体育活动的机会.

希瑟和她的家人于2021年6月搬到了科罗拉多州, 她在哪里回到高等教育工作. 在她空闲的时候, 希瑟喜欢园艺, 徒步旅行, 喝着精酿啤酒,和丈夫还有两只狗一起看橄榄球赛, Bruiser和Zoelle.



简Karger |校友活动助理总监

简Karger, 原产于匹兹堡, PA, 他于2021年加入密歇根州立大学丹佛分校,担任校友活动助理主任.  她致力于为校友们创造相互联系的平台和机会, 互相支持,欢迎他们回到校园与在校学生交流, 教师, 和工作人员.

在她加入Roadrunner社区之前, 简从事体育运动, 努力营造团队氛围, support the campus community and develop student athletes on and off the field through the women’s lacrosse programs.  She spent time at as the head women’s lacrosse coach at Drew University and an assistant coach at Princeton University, 康涅狄格大学, 康涅狄格州中部和圣芒特. 玛丽的大学.

简毕业于Mount St. 我在玛丽大学获得了B.A in Education and German and earned a MA in Educational Psychology from 康涅狄格大学.  在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢和她的两只纽芬兰狗呆在一起, 里格斯和米诺, 和家人一起冒险,去新的地方旅行.


Ruby Matheny


Ruby Matheny是一位自豪的第一代大学毕业生和皇冠体育官网校友. 她热衷于追求公平, 包容, 以及社区建设,她将这些融入到她的高等教育工作中. 而林心如在本科学习的是政治学和哲学, she remained determined to positively shape the world through high-impact practices in higher education.

鲁比参加了新生培训, data, 实习管理, 关系管理, 生活设计, 多样性和公平/反种族主义, 职业发展. 露比是个妈妈, 一个狂热的读者, 特朗, 作家, 艺术家, 露营者, 运动爱好者, 并一直致力于为世界上的苦难做出贡献.



Bre Milnes | advance Communications执行董事 & 给
Bre Milnes is originally from Illinois and joined 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Alumni Relations in April 2015. 作为推进传播和年度捐赠的高级主管, 她负责与皇冠官网网站的校友进行战略性的沟通, 捐款人及大学的朋友. Other duties include leading the direct marketing and call center operations for the office of Alumni Relations & 给.

Bre began her career in higher education as a marketing coordinator and assistant softball coach at Kirkwood Community College in 2009.

她得了个M.S.Ed. 在运动表现和领导方面,获得B.S. 美国北方州立大学体育营销与管理专业毕业. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢滑雪,和她的猫一起看真实的犯罪电视节目.



Brandi Rideout |校友关系高级总监
Brandi Rideout于2015年加入密歇根州立大学丹佛分校,担任校友项目助理主任. 作为现任校友关系总监, 她为学生在生活中取得成功创造了最好的环境. 通过创新的编程和网络活动, Brandi hopes to create a legacy of engaged alumni who can always count on their Alma Mater for support. 她也是人类表现和体育部门的附属教员.

Prior to becoming a Roadrunner, Brandi spent over 10 years dedicated to developing student-athletes. She helped create the best possible environment for them to succeed athletically and academically as the Assistant Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Services and SWA at Upper Iowa University, 缅因大学学生运动员服务中心主任, 也是科尔比学院的助理篮球教练.

布兰迪以B的成绩毕业于在法明顿的缅因大学.S. in community health education and earned a MEd in higher education administration from Upper Iowa University. 作为第一代大学生, she passionate about higher education and the opportunities that can develop as a result of obtaining a degree. She brings positive energy and a great attitude to any situation and is always looking for ways to grow and learn.

布兰迪喜欢在业余时间和她的狗一起滑雪和远足, 锡安, 她是七年级拼字比赛的冠军.



安迪是 |市场推广与传播总监

303-362-3219 | (电子邮件保护)

安迪是 returned to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in January 2022 after previously spending over six years in the athletics department. 作为市场推广和传播总监, 他领导与校友的数字通信工作, 捐助者, 和大学的朋友们.

在担任现职之前, 安迪在市场营销和传播领域工作了近13年, 包括11年的大学体育生涯. He began his professional career at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in February 2009 and served as the 体育 Information Director for the athletics department until 2015, 领导roadrunner的外部沟通和数字媒体, 同时协助市场团队. 2015年至2021年,他在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校担任类似职务, while managing all the digital communications for the athletics department through social media and the Buffs’ website.

2021年10月,安迪离开了大学田径学院,接受了MYR Group Inc .的一个职位., 一家公开交易的电力建筑公司, 担任市场部提案协调员. 在MYR集团任职期间, he wrote proposals for construction project bids and assisted with graphic design and video production.

他是明尼苏达州查斯卡人.他得了B.S. 体育管理专业,辅修工商管理专业.S. 西南明尼苏达州立大学教育学硕士. 他还参加了SMSU的橄榄球比赛, 赢得全区域和全联盟的荣誉,作为一名投球手和替补外接手. 在他空闲的时候, 安迪喜欢任何户外活动, 包括徒步旅行, 运行, 滑雪, 和爬山, 学习外语.



林恩冬天于2013年加入Roadrunner家族. 作为一个学生雇员, 她担任助教, 以及Reach-a-Roadrunner校友呼叫中心. 2017年4月, she joined the 大学的发展 staff full-time to combine her adaptive range of writing skills with her passion for supporting the future of students and programs at 丹佛大都会州立大学.

两年多了, 她与校友们分享了改变生活的故事, 捐助者, 教师, 工作人员和社区通过丹佛大都会杂志, 早起鸟文章, 你的工作天赋通讯和双月校友通讯. 她为管理和筹款出版物培养和编辑内容, 项目提案, 捐款人确认信, 校友通讯和更多, in support of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 大学的发展’s mission to secure private financial support for the University.

琳恩以B的成绩毕业于丹佛的科罗拉多大学.A. 我的英语成绩是B.S. 2017年从丹佛州立大学获得环境科学学位. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢看漫画书, 计划去迪斯尼度假, 和丈夫一起看电影(尤其是漫威), 8岁的边境牧羊犬, 萨伦伯格, 她的儿子正在攻读博士学位.D. 威斯康辛州医学物理专业.